Monday, April 27, 2009

Is It Monday Already?!?!?

Here it is another Monday. Where did the weekend go even though it was a three day weekend for me as it is every week? The alarm went off at 4:00 a.m. and I'd like to say I jumped out of bed, but it was more like a slither. There should be a law about people having to get up before 6:00 a.m. However, one of my first thoughts was - "Hey, it's only four more days until Thursday-Friday"! That put a real spring in my step on my way to the shower.

The normal routine for me is a quick shower with all the usual things like teeth brushing, hair brushing and drying and then dressing. Then always on Mondays it's loading up my large totebag with the things I will be dining on for the week. You see, there are no fastfood restaurants ANYWHERE around the oilfield. And, no one would be CRAZY enough to drive all the way out to us to make a delivery. So, you better bring your own vittles or you could starve and it's a VERY LONG day from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. while at the field.

My department eats lunch together everyday at 11:30 and we are always happy to see that time come. From time to time someone will bring extras of a dish they made or was leftover. There usually are carrots and salads, heat em up, eat em up meals and usually NEVER something sweet since everyone is always dieting. (Yeah, right).

I enjoy my job. It's different everyday and I never know what I'll be doing. I certainly can't say I get bored. I'm learning new computer skills...Excel, Microsoft Project, etc. Who knows maybe I'll get smart one of these days.

The nicest part of my work days though is the drive to and from work. It is absolutely great to be chauffeured in a vehicle other than my own. I just ride! And, I only buy gas about every 4-5 weeks. Yes, weeks. I get to see beautiful full moons, extra starry skies, glorious sunrises and fantastic sunsets. I get to see antelope, deer, sheep, all kinds of birds, cows, etc. I've seen snow - blowing, slushy, powdery, glittery. I've seen the worse mud I've ever been in my life. I've been in wind that blew so hard it's almost blown me over and I can't begin to describe the cold!

What a lucky person I am. How blessed am I!

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