Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Goals

You know that when you put "pen to paper" you are committed to things, right?  That being said, I've done some thinking and here's some of what I want to accomplish this year.

Relationship - Not looking for a man, so let's get that out of the way.  I do want to commit to being more in touch on a more regular basis with some of my family members and friends.  There are some of my friendships that I would like to cultivate.  I would like to make sure that I call people at least on a monthly basis and keep those friendships intact. 

I also like to cultivate more relationships with my ward family.  I am planning on doing regular book readings to those families who would love to have me come into their home, or they come to mine, and let me read to their children. 

I want to spend more time with my grandchildren and my kids.  I receive so much pleasure during those times I am able to physically interact with Derek and Jake as they are growning so fast.  It also brings me a great deal of pleasure to see my son in his capacity as a dad and husband and watching Nikki as she loves and cares for her family.

Professional - I love and enjoy my job and am not looking to move on anywhere else.  Here's hoping things remain as they are in this category for the remainder of this year. 

I'd like to follow through and begin my opportunities to speak on behalf of Donor Alliance here in Wyoming and Colorado on organ, tissue and skin donations.  I received a letter back in September of last year that said in part...

"Please know that through you and your husband's incredible act of compassion and generosity, lives' of those in need have been greatly changed for the better.  The following is information regarding the donation of your husband's tissues.

Joseph has given the gift of skin tissue, more specifically sixteen grafts for transplantation.  Skin grafts are considered a life saving procedure for those who have suffered from breast cancer and need assistance with post-mastectomy reconstruction.  Following a surgery, skin grafts can aid in preventing infection, reducing recovery time and ultimately promoting healing of the surgery site.  Eleven individuals at this time have received your husband's fits for post-mastectomy reconstructions.  The five other grafts your husband has given have yet to be transplanted at this time."  I think it's important that people understand that no matter your age or your medical condition, you can be a donor.  If Joe could do it, then anyone can.

Spiritual - I would like to attend the temple at least two times this year. 

I would like to attend a "Time Out For Women".  It's been almost two years since I've been to one and I think they are an essential need for me.  It's like a spiritual detoxification for my soul.

I would like to read my Ensign from cover to cover each month before the next one arrives.  (This may be the closest I come at this time to committing to read my scriptures daily). 

I would like to commit to reading and studying my Sunday School and Relief Society lessons each week. 

I would like to begin and complete the necessary family history for Joe's mom and dad and Les' mom and dad so that my kids can be their proxies at the temple. 

And, of course, I'd like to have quality morning and evening talks with my Heavenly Father each and every day.

I also want to be of more service.  I want to take and make opportunities to do unexpected things for people.  I want to surprise people with random acts of kindness.  I want more opportunities to add to my "Happy Jar".

Mental - I'd love to read at least six (6) books for pure pleasure.  I used to love to read and haven't for years. 

I'd like to take a class at the college - something stimulating. 

I'd love to complete a writing project about Vietnam letters I started a few years ago and have it done before Christmas as gifts for my siblings. 

I'd like to finish a blog I was writing about Joe and the documentation I was doing about his care giving.  I have doubts that this may be completed this year as there are some things about his illness and death which are still very tender.  If not this year, another year as I feel it is important to complete.

I'd like to continue writing in my own blog as it gives me an outlet to document my life - whether it appeals to anyone else or not matters not.  I want to record my thoughts, my experiences in hopes that my grandchildren will know who I am one of these days. 

Physical - I'd love to change the way I eat and how I eat.  This is difficult as my work hours are strange and I return home after 7:00 p.m. many nights AND my work has me sitting 95% of the time.  But, I'm hoping that by changing some things I want to lose at least one (1) lb. per week. 

I hope eventually I can start adding some walking and some exercise in my routine.  My left knee is presently inhibited that at this time, but hopefully that will change in the coming months.

I want to change my sleep habits.  I LOVE staying up late and am able to due to my job.  However, I feel as though I'm wasting valuable time, so I'm going to try to start keeping an earlier bedtime and getting up earlier. 

Fun and Frivolity/Bucket List - I still want to do "daycations" as there is still lots to explore.  I want to participate in a real cow branding.  I want to witness the annual roundup of 1400 buffalo in South Dakota in September.  That was something Joe and I really wanted to experience together.  And I'd love to attend the 2014 Professional Bullriders Rodeo in Las Vegas in October.  How cool would that be?!

Looks like it's going to be a busy year.

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